Protork Motor Oil & Lubricants



This is a general engine oil used in all types of modern and old gasoline engines throughout the year and which delivers a more efficient performance in extremely high temperatures. 

A special compound of high-quality base oil and additive packs keep the oil system clean and reduces the fuel consumption and brings a higher engine performance by decreasing the sludges. It is suitable for all types of engines with turbo-charged and catalytic converter. 

Approval and Specifications:

API: SL/CF, ACEA A3/B3, VW 505.00, MB 229.1

Physical and Chemical Properties Typical Values
Density @ 15 ° C 0,850
Kinematic Viscosity 100 ° C , cSt 9,3-12,5
Viscosity Index 170
Flash Point ° C 240
Pour Point ° C -40

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