Protork Motor Oil & Lubricants


Bearing Grease

This is a lithium soap grease produced with high-quality base oils and additives with broad range of use in various industries. 

It is used in wheel bearings, central lubrication systems and ball and sliding bearings of cars, commercial and terrain vehicles, agricultural vehicles and heavy equipment which do not run under too heavy load and at high temperatures. It is used safely in bearings of electric motors. It prevents rust and corrosion and extends the useful life of the system. It is resistant against water and oxidation and easy to pump. It prevents wear when loading causes shock and vibration. It delivers extra protection against getting washed with water. 


Physical and Chemical Properties Typical Values
Color Light Brown
Type of Soap Lityum
Penetration, 25⁰C, 0.1 mm 310 - 340
Damlama Noktası, Min. , ⁰C 185
Working Temp. Max., ⁰C 150

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