Protork Motor Oil & Lubricants


Blending Oil

It has been produced with well-refined base oils, emulgators, preservatives and antistatic agents. It enables easy running in all phases of yarn production, primarily in carding machine, and reduces the waste. It is used especially in blending the wool and wool mixtures and protecting the needle bearing of the circular knitting machines. 

It can be directly used to transfer the warp on the beam to increase the efficiency in weaving and warp knitting machines. It is used as chemical finishing agent in finishing the cotton yarn. 


ISO Vis. Class 108 124 136  
Properties Values Values Values Method
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Color, ASTM 1,5 1,5 1,5 ASTM D-1500
Density at 15 °C, kg/l 0,87 0,873 0,875 ASTM D-1298
Flash Point °C 180 186 190 ASTM D-92
Pour Point °C -15 -15 -15 ASTM D-97
Copper Corrosion, 3 hour/100C No.1 No.1 No.1 ASTM D-130
Viscosity, 40°C, cSt 21 24 35 ASTM D-445
Emulsion Stability Stable Stable Stable ASTM D-1479

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