Protork Motor Oil & Lubricants


Mono 50

These are the general purpose oils that include no additives with high viscosity index, and which is supplemented with foam inhibitor and formulated with well-refined high-quality base oils. 

They are used in air compressors, diesel engines, gas and dual-fuel engines, wood chopping machines, chainsaws, general purpose lubricating processes and electric motors with engine oil with no additives, air cleaners or machinery components and chains, and as a heat transfer fluid at medium temperatures. 

Engine oil with no additives has a high viscosity index and delivers high performance against oxidation. It protects the engine against wear and keeps the engine clean by preventing sludges and deposits. 


Typical Properties

SAE 50
Density 15 °C gr/ml 0,899
Viscosity 40 °C cSt 239
Viscosity 100 °C cSt 19,4
Viscosity Index 92
Pour Point °C 272
Pour Point °C -12

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